Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti
girl sitting on a bench looking away with fall leaves covering the ground in falling from the trees Investing in Relationship

Investing in Relationship

Money makes the world go around. Story makes the world go around, and relationship makes the world go around. But relationship creates story, and it makes money worth the pursuit. How then can we increase our connections for a deeper relationship? 

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baby sheep being fed by the Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd

Since starting my podcast, I’ve been incredibly blessed to hear from women about who the Good Shepherd is in their personal tragedy. Revelation after revelation

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small white sea shells in a pile I didn't forget about you

I Didn’t Forget YOU!

You’re not imaging things. You didn’t get my weekly blog post because this week’s blog is being replaced by a podcast episode. The podcast episode will air on Wednesday. We’ll hear from Author, Sandra Julian Barker as she shares her personal perspective on the family tragedy of her nephew murdering his parents, Sandra’s brother and sister-in-law.

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girl in tights, tutu and holding wand over her head jumping high in the air, new beginnings

New Beginnings!

Have you heard that we’re enjoying a fresh breath of new beginnings over here? A Life of Thrive just launched their podcast, Finding God in

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A Father First. Child's hand grabbing a man's finger.

A Father First

The God of the Holy Bible is a Father first. He is the God who puts the emphasis of life on relationship. His love for His children can be seen even from the beginning of time. Since creation He has always been moving toward His children – especially when they are pulling away.

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Young woman standing in a busy street with a city map. there's a better way.

His Way

When it comes to travel there is something special about experiencing a place through someone who lives there. They have the inside scoop and know all the must-sees, must-haves, and must-do’s! They can give you an experience that is the most authentic to their culture. Most importantly, they know the places you should skip. Who wants to waste money on bad restaurants, expensive excursions, or a bad transportation system when there’s a better way!

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black and white image of a woman crying with head in hands. Orphaned Hearts

Orphaned Hearts

I don’t think people are all that complex. I actually think we boil down to one simple core fear: Rejection. It’s a powerful motivator propelling us to quiet desperation with countless acts of escapism like drugs, alcohol, sex, self-mutilation, pornography, food, etc. Orphaned hearts can use overindulgence to feel something, anything, except alone.

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woman on shoreline in jacket, hat holding cellphone and reading it. Social media and the Heart

Social Media and the Heart

I rarely feel the need to use social media to defend my views on life, God, politics, etc. In the few times I’ve taken part in discussions or initiated them, I had a strong desire to chime in on the topic.

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sunsetting over a mountain, silhouette of woman with hands raise. His Finish Line

His Finish Line

She’s gone. My unanswered prayers along with her. I had wanted something more than titles; I wanted a mother/daughter relationship that connected our hearts. Instead she completed the race and crossed the finish line, His finish line.

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