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Social Media and the Heart

woman on shoreline in jacket, hat holding cellphone and reading it. Social media and the Heart

Enjoy this repost as we make preparations for a huge announcement near the end of September!

I rarely feel the need to use social media to defend my views on life, God, politics, etc. In the few times I’ve taken part in discussions or initiated them, I had a strong desire to chime in on the topic.

While I take joy in being kind to every human being, I’m well aware that my particular voice/vibe attracts a certain tribe, and, therefore, I’m surrounded with more likeminded people than not. The main reason I refrain from social media declarations is because I’m convinced differing opinions are conversations best had face to face.

With social media, you can’t see someone’s eyes, hear tone, or watch body language. Unable to hide behind screens and keyboards, people who talk face to face are challenged to be more mindful of their words. I’d like to think, when the majority of people have to look someone in the face, they tend to respond to another human being with respect and thoughtfulness. Although it’s not lost on me, kindness and respect are feeling like dinosaurs. As a society, we are diminishing the value of a human being in favor of making sure we get our point across.

Computers have expanded relationships that can stretch all around the globe, while simultaneously creating people who crave real connections with a human voice, skin, eyes … people they can touch. Even video cameras and Facetime bring a deep heartache for the physical presence of loved ones.

All this talk about androids and artificial life portrayed as real relationships (commercials, movies, etc.) isn’t too terribly off the mark. It’s possible if one of two things happen. Either we’ve given up on love and settle for companionship, or we’ve given up on people and prefer to program our lives to ensure minimal disappointments. The more we create a life revolving around technology, the less this inhumane option will feel.

I think we’re all on the same page with regard to social media projecting the highlight reels of our lives. We brand ourselves and turn our lives into tiny infomercials promoting the best parts. Granted, there are some people who are keeping it real. I always admire women my age who take pics without their make-up on. Maybe one day I’ll be that brave. For now, I’m sticking to pics with make-up because if I’m brutally honest, if you’ve seen me without my make-up on, you’ve met my brother!

For the most part our social media lives are similar to commercials on TV where we see people using a product with perfection. We don’t get the opportunity to see all the footage on the cutting room floor. We only get to see the parts spliced together to make the perfect end product.

I’m not bashing social media. One of the best things about it have been times when people responded quickly to my request for prayer. I get the opportunity to pray for others when I see their need. I’ve participated with Go Fund Me campaigns that I feel have made a difference. I’ve seen a call to action spread like wildfire when someone’s fur baby is missing. I’ve been educated, instructed, and encouraged in various groups, etc.

As always, there is beauty amongst the thorns.

Ultimately, whatever tool, instrument, or device we hold in our hands becomes a weapon. Will it be a weapon that perpetuates destruction, or will it be a weapon against evil? Only we get to decide.

Getting to know someone or having a conversation that reveals different value systems isn’t a bad thing. There’s no need to be threatened by someone who doesn’t believe/think the same as you. Think about how boring, if not scary, it would be if we all thought the same.

I’m not threatened by conversations with differing opinions, because I’m not trying to persuade anyone. Removing that burden takes the pressure off. What is most valuable to me is to see how my viewpoint holds up. If I can’t answer the opposing questions, then I may need to rethink what I believe or, at the very least, do some research to get the answers that will clarify my stance.

If God lets people have opinions that differ from His, why can’t I? And if God lets us make our own choices, then why shouldn’t I?

Aren’t you glad God doesn’t dictate, cajole, or manipulate us to follow Him? Aren’t you glad that He still loves us even though He sees through our attempts to portray perfectionism? He’s seen all the bad decision, faults, and coverups, yet His love never rejects.

His truth has been made available to us, and we can choose to believe it … and we can choose not to believe it. Whether we do believe or don’t, it will never make Him more or less God. He’ll continue to provide information that is powerful enough to change mindsets and transform heart conditions.

We may not get to spend actual face-to-face time with God, but we do get to experience the intimacy of His presence. We discover the Father’s love for us when we spend heart-to-heart time with Him, read His love letter to you, aka the Bible, and spend time in conversation.

Wrap yourself in a love that is transformational and can set you free from the bondage of sin that so easily ensnares us. His whole heart is to bring truth into the darkness, healing to brokenness, and protection to the vulnerable.



These questions are in no way a substitute for healthcare professionals or any level of professional counseling. I’m an advocate for taking care of oneself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. These questions reflect my heart, NOT my profession.

This questionnaire is an opportunity to journal your thoughts and feelings. It can serve as a launching pad on which to evaluate your heart condition as you understand it. My hope is that you will take the truths you discover about yourself and hold them up to the Light to evaluate them against who God says you are.

What type of conversations make you feel uncomfortable?
Why do you think they make you uncomfortable?
Is there a remedy to your discomfort? Something you can do differently?
Does the truth scare you? If so, why?
Do you agree that truth and love can be used interchangeably? Explain.
In what way does God’s love bring healing and protection?

Take Action

Use God’s word to take control over the traumas in your life. Whenever you feel terrorized by your thoughts take them captive by replacing them with the truth of God’s promises in His word.

Here is a scripture for you to print, cut and carry with you and/or post in places where you will see it often. Ground yourself in God’s truths not Satan’s attacks. Encourage your heart and mind every time you are reminded of His great love for YOU!

He looked beyond my faults and loved me for who I am. “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”—1 Samuel 16:7

Say to yourself:
God sees into the motivations of my heart. He knows why I say the things I say and why I do the things I do. He’s not surprised by my actions, thoughts, or words. I can’t hide anything from Him. He knows and sees it all.

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