Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti
black and white image of woman looking down into a mirror for the Heart post


When I meditate on something, I store the images, sounds, experiences, etc. in my heart. My heart doesn’t get a choice; it simply follows where I set my affections. God’s word tells us, “But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart.”(Matt 15:18).  As a result, the return I receive for investing my time and attention will be revealed when I open my mouth and speak.

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Recovery, woman looking skyward into a pastel sky, clouds


I follow a couple of recovery pages on social media, and I never tire of seeing the underdog win. Immeasurable beauty can be found in a transformed life. Maybe it tugs on my heartstrings because that is my spiritual story.

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Beach view from the beach grass, You Already Have Joy

You Already Have Joy

Is there a specific place in your life that needs to be infused with joy? Are you wondering where your joy has gone? Having a hard time drawing joy up so you can taste even a little bit of it? I need you to know you already have joy!

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table against a window with light coming through. Books stacked to the left, the Word (book) opened in the middle with a cup of tea and a vase of flowers

The Word

Even with so much uncertainty in the world today, I’m blessed to experience nothing but kindness and love from those I come in contact with. I’m reminded that even though we are inundated with hatred and destruction, people don’t always buy into it

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sunrising over lush green forest and hills, colorful sky and clouds

Your Presence

Don’t you love it when people are short and to the point? In today’s world of demands, one’s time is a priceless commodity. So, here’s my prayer for you today. Don’t rush, reflect on it, and share your heart with God as you read. I can’t begin to tell you how excited He is to hear your voice and to see His daughter draw close to spend some time in His presence. There’s something beautiful in it for you.

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cloudy skies, with a glimpse of beautiful sky above them, blog post Job's God

Job’s God

At first, when reading the book of Job, I felt like it wasn’t a story I needed to be reading right now. I’m already aware of the downward spiral our country is currently experiencing, and I prefer to have my heart encouraged during times of uncertainty. For some reason, I kept reading even though it was incredibly sad and heavy on my heart. I could even put myself in his wife’s shoes in that she took out her pain and anger on him. His friends were no help, and his God seemed nowhere to be found.

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woman holding her hands up making a heart shape with her fingers around the setting sun, The Struggle blog post

The Struggle

Tell me you get this … you have a heart that knows God loves you and genuinely loves Him in return, but your mind still struggles to be “all in.” You question your ability to be faithful to what He calls you to. Maybe your self-talk is negative and never gives you a break. Or perhaps your heart finds it a little too good to be true that God would still love you with the things you’ve done, thought, said. And, if not that, what about the people who speak into your life and tell you (maybe they don’t even use words) that you’re unworthy and unlovable. 

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Insatiable Love, Blog Post, Holy Bible in Spanish opened with a man and woman's wedding rings resting in the open spine of the book.

Insatiable Love

What would a love note mean to your heart right now? To hear there is One who pursues you with a love that asks for nothing in return? A love you can never offend, that isn’t selfish or prideful. He pursues you with an insatiable hunger for love and calls you His beloved, His friend. He’s so wild, crazy in love with you He’s constantly calling to your heart and drawing your soul with His own bold heart that aches for you to surrender to His love.

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muted landscape of the ocean and sky, part of the sky has the sunsetting and the other is dark clouds forming, blog post God's Table

God’s Table

A couple of weekends ago, I drove west for about 5 hours. I was headed to a friend’s house to be with them for the most difficult time in their life. As I drove, for the majority of my trip on my right side were black clouds with various attempts at forming tornados. To my left was sunshine and gorgeous skies. But I managed to stay between the two with an occasional shower and/or downpour. It wasn’t lost on me that the weather was the perfect example of life.

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