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Recovery, woman looking skyward into a pastel sky, clouds

I follow a couple of recovery pages on social media, and I never tire of seeing the underdog win. Immeasurable beauty can be found in a transformed life. Maybe it tugs on my heartstrings because that is my spiritual story.

Prior to making the choice to allow God to rule my heart I was living a life that did not resemble Him nor His love for me. Most importantly my sin kept me separated from Him. I was destined for an eternity in hell, but when faced with the truth of who God is, I made a transforming decision to accept Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. I experienced the immediate victory of knowing Him here and now, as well as the assurance of eternal life.

Since accepting Christ as my personal Savior, I’ve been on a road to recovery. But recovery can be bumpy. At times I have misrepresented Him, I haven’t stopped making mistakes and I’m still subject to my brokenness as an imperfect human. But every day that I choose to draw close to Him and believe that He is bigger than my mistakes is a day where He reveals something new about His heart for me.

It’s not surprising that we all use various things or methods to soothe our troubled minds and fearful hearts. But I think we’d be surprised to realize that our coping mechanisms can become addictions. Any vice we continue to use progressively, quietly, and effectively becomes our go-to, an addiction. While it may not be an illegal addiction or one diagnosed by a professional if it robs us of what God has intended for us, relationship with Him, then it is an addiction just the same.

For the most part, an addiction seems to sneak up on you. Anything (or anyone) that is going to deplete our heart, mind or body doesn’t arrive on the scene announcing itself, “I’m here to ruin your life and leave you more miserable than before.”

No, an addiction comes in quietly, soothing us, taking the edge off, letting us forget for just a little while, helping us sleep or cope in various ways. We seek out comfort, and we find it in our chosen escape. The problem with our temporary solution is that it actually works, and so we welcome it with open arms.

Obvious addictions like alcohol, drugs, or pornography may come to mind. But others, such as cigarettes, food, and sex, fly under the radar because they’re socially acceptable, at least to a degree. And what about an attitude that keeps you from handling your responsibilities or allows you to stay disengaged from relationship?

Claims of moderation may be the perfect way to deflect concerned family and friends, but the wandering, unsettled heart knows life is not as it should be. That which steals, kills, and destroys will never convince anyone they are living the purposeful, satisfying life God has planned for them.

I saw a graphic on one FB page that compared addiction and recovery. What was shared did not seem exclusive to addiction, so I used the list to see which side took up the most headspace in my thought life.

Addiction stirs up: Resentment, fear, worry, selfishness, agitation, sickness, doubt, hate

Recovery stirs up: Forgiveness, faith, hope, compassion, serenity, courage, acceptance, trust

Perhaps the consequences of addiction are the result of measuring our worth by the world’s value system, which leads to a dead end. On the other hand, we find life in recovery when we seek God and embrace how He defines us.

As human beings created in the image of the God of the Holy Bible, we’re never really that different from each other.  Peeling away the complicated layers of finding our way through this life, we discover that fear of being alone and unloved is what remains. There’s a fix for that. His name is Jesus.

No one has spoken for you like He has. No one loves you like He does. No one can work all things for your good like He can. If you feel there is someone else, someone you prefer because they’re simply more tangible, then I must tell you, sweet woman, you have not yet discovered the heart of Jesus for you. He simply has no rival or equal.

I don’t think the question here is whether we’d choose addiction or recovery. Everyone wants to experience life over death. I think the real point worth making is that the gift God gave us as human beings is the gift of choice. He could have created us for nothing but life and love, however what is life and love if not a choice? Why would we value either if we had no way of comparing? How would we even know how to enjoy anything if we never experienced being without it?

Since we get to choose our path, I choose life. Daily choices, micro choices, major choices—I only want what leads me into and keeps me satiated in the presence of God. I choose to be addicted to recovery all the days of my life.



These questions are in no way a substitute for healthcare professionals or any level of professional counseling. I’m an advocate for taking care of oneself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. These questions reflect my heart, NOT my profession.

This questionnaire is an opportunity to journal your thoughts and feelings. It can serve as a launching pad on which to evaluate your heart condition as you understand it. My hope is that you will take the truths you discover about yourself and hold them up to the Light to evaluate them against who God says you are.

  • From your personal understanding, define addiction.
  • Now look up the formal definition of addiction.
  • Can addiction be good or bad? Explain.
  • What are some of the emotions that overwhelm your headspace?
  • Do they overwhelm in a good way or a bad way?
  • Of the emotions that overwhelm your thought life, can you pinpoint what are they based on?
  • If you were able to pinpoint the reason, does it bring life or death?
  • If truth brings life and lies bring death, have you believed a lie or a truth?

Talk to God about your answers. Give Him praise, ask Him questions and then listen for His gentle response.

Take Action

Use God’s word to take control over the traumas in your life.  Whenever you feel terrorized by your thoughts take them captive by replacing them with the truth of God’s promises in His word.

Here is a scripture for you to print, cut and carry with you and/or post in places where you will see it often. Ground yourself in God’s truths not Satan’s attacks. Encourage your heart and mind every time you are reminded of His great love for YOU!

Here is what God’s Word says about His unfailing, relentless, unending love for you:

“’Everything is permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything [and brought under its power, allowing it to control me.1 Corinthians 6:12 (AMP)

Translation: Because of our gift of choice, we can choose to do anything we want to do, but every choice comes with a consequence. Therefore, not everything we can choose to do is something we should do. God offers us His wisdom through choices that bring life and that do not enslave us. 

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