Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti
shepherd in the field with sheep, Psalm 23

Psalm 23

Do you know Psalm 23 by heart? I recently spent several days with a sweet friend in Florida when I realized I didn’t have it memorized verbatim. Not being able to recall the verses in their intended order had me missing out on the opportunity to use these encouraging verses to rewrite lies that cause me to fear and cast down the internal negative self-talk that tries to get me to question God’s goodness.

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Lover of Our Soul 02.23.21 frame of pic is full of red and pink roses

Lover of Our Soul

I’m still celebrating the month of love and specifically the Lover of our soul! I’ll let you in on a little secret. Do you want to know what will change your life? And I mean change every aspect of your life? Deep-seated, lasting change?

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bride and groom hand holding on the move The Groom

The Groom

Happy February! It’s the month of love so, with or without a romantic love, we can still celebrate the Bridegroom who is waiting patiently to come and get us.

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Woman facing away looking across the desert, blog post Confident


We haven’t worshiped together in a while. Prayer and worship are my favorite ways to spend time with the Lord. I especially love worship music because so much scripture is included in the lyrics. I learn and retain best through music, so worship music helps me learn the word of God. The song I’m in love with lately is “Confident” by Steffany Gretzinger.

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book pages from the inside spine view and the pages are folded into a heart shape, blog post Chapter 2021

Chapter 2021

As we turn the page on the collective chapter in our lives and enter what we can term Chapter 2021 of life, I’m encouraged to know that, while we will all be in this chapter together, God sees us as the individuals He created us to be. He is writing a specific story with each of us according to how He has woven our inner parts together in the secret place, creating us in His image with His own hands.

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black and white image of a mostly perfect rose but with a couple of tattered petals the power of a lie blog post

The Power of a Lie

Satan is the Father of Lies. There’s no doubt that he is powerful but most importantly, remember he is not invincible. Satan will always be second best because he is a created being. He will always answer to the Creator, God.

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young woman playing the board game chess, Life is Like a Board Game blog post

Life is Like a Board Game

I recently entertained myself by reflecting on how much life is like a board game. Several months before my father’s cancer diagnosis and final passing, my sister and I were able to play one of his board games with him. Dad explained the rules upfront, but then he would remember new things to tell us once we actually began playing the game.

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girl's face partially hidden behind a piece of wood for the blog post More Alike Than Not

More Alike Than Not

I’ve only conducted seven podcast episodes to date, and yet I learn something new about myself with each and every one. That old saying, we’re much more alike than not … I see it reverberated over and over in these conversations.

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girl on floor in the dark with a ray of light across her face - Holy Moments

Holy Moments

One of my podcast guests has me looking intently at what she terms “holy moments.” She lives with bouts of paralyzing pain. Torrential storms of physical agony that can sometimes cause her to consider ending it all. These physical storms of torment do as they please tossing her to and fro in the intense waves.

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