Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti
Woman in the forefront walking on desolate road, rock mountains in background. Blog post Abandonment


God’s truth is a lifeline for us and in this blog, I want to talk specifically about abandonment. It could have happened moments ago, maybe it’s ongoing or even decades past, it doesn’t matter; it’s never too late to be set free from the pain. If the pain still exists, then God wants to heal it.

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pink peonies heads, Hallelujah blog post


In my late 20’s I battled depression on and off. I can’t remember where I got the idea to begin a practice of gratitude but once I made it a daily practice I begin to experience a difference in my life. Within what I would define as a short amount of time I begin to turn my thought life around. I didn’t purposefully think I was turning my thought life around it was the natural byproduct of giving God my hallelujah.

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Chickadee on a bare tree twig, blog post A Glimpse

A Glimpse

Something that I’m becoming more and more aware of is the intimacy with which God speaks to us. I continually get a glimpse of the various ways Christ reveals Himself. The truth is, when we put something in God’s hands, He redeems it. Nothing is wasted in God’s value system. Give Him broken, shattered, beyond recognition and He gives it purpose, value, life anew.

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blog post In Him 10.05 white seagulls flying across a medium blue sky, flying low over blue green ocean

In Him

Everything that we are aware of in our created world and everything that we are not aware of beyond our existence are all authored by Him, God. Without exception all in existence here and beyond is through Him and for Him and in He and more importantly, He holds it all together.

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rough surf crashing on the shore blog post pic for Suffering


With my podcast being about discovering the good God that I profess in the context of pain and suffering, I spend hours and hours looking at trauma and what the God of the Holy Bible offers us in during those times.

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Life Verse - Girl running into the surf at sunset with her surfboard under her arm. Pier is off to the left with people on the railing. Surfers in the water

Life Verse

I first heard about life verses in my early 30s. During my prayer time, I began asking the Lord for a personal life verse. I can’t remember in what context I discovered Jeremiah 33:3. Perhaps it was during a Bible study or when I was looking something up. I do know there didn’t seem to be anything unusual or supernatural about the way I found it, but when I read it, something in me connected with it and I knew that was my life verse. “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not yet know“ (Jeremiah 33:3).

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Woman alone on beach/wet sand with cliffs in the background It's Always Been You Blog Post

It’s Always Been You

Each of us makes our own music for the Lord. It may look different because our instrument isn’t necessarily an actual musical instrument. Your voice is an instrument based on the words you speak both over yourself and others. A pen and paper are instruments to encourage, lift and motivate. Your hands are instruments as you tend to your family, pay your bills, and show up for work. Your arms are instruments as you lift your elderly parent/neighbor or give a hug. Engaging in life, relationship and responsibility can be considered a form of worship. Where we focus the eyes of your heart determines whether our unique sound comes from a heart of obedience, gratitude and love or the opposite. It is a form of worship, service to God.

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a bluegray sea with a pink skyline and birds in flight - Blog post A Love that is STeadfast

A Love that is Steadfast

One of the most loving things you can do for the people around you is to set and hold boundaries. The only boundaries that are truly effective are those made with love. Loving boundaries keep relationships healthy. People are held responsible for their own stuff, and others don’t have to carry burdens never intended for them. Love is truth, and truth is love. And both are rooted in the steadfast love of God.

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Adaptive Not Faulty Blog - a woman facing away, standing on a hillside between barren trees, and she's looking at the sunset on the water

Adaptive Not Faulty

The world pulls, tugs and tears at us every day. It feeds us various belief and value systems based on ever-changing standards and this can leave your heart tattered and torn. In the majority of cases, it’s not that the people who have imprinted your heart are horrible people, they handed you what had been handed to them so it’s important that we remember adaptive not faulty. This is good news because it says we can learn skills that are productive and satisfying.

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