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In Him

blog post In Him 10.05 white seagulls flying across a medium blue sky, flying low over blue green ocean

I’ve been giving my focus to Romans 11:35 (For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen) and Colossians 1:16 (For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.)

Everything that we are aware of in our created world and everything that we are not aware of beyond our existence are all authored by Him, God. Without exception all in existence here and beyond is through Him and for Him and in He and more importantly, He holds it all together.

Give this fact a few minutes of your time. Ponder the impact on our lives. Can you see how that releases us from strife, worry, anxiety, etc. Not that we don’t feel those things but with Christ we have the freedom to live above our circumstances.

What about striving to have control, to force the outcome we want? There is no control. It is an illusion. But we can rest in the One who is in control.

This world wants us to define ourselves and our circumstances by the value system in our limited understanding. But what Christ did on the cross destroyed the limitations here, the labels we’re given, the things that happen to us etc. What Jesus did on the cross is called the good news because when we choose Him, we’re free from the consequences of death. But the added beauty of choosing Christ is that we can have intimacy with the One who promises to be with us as we navigate the things that He has authority over.

The world we know and anything beyond it has no claim on us, no staying power because we do not belong to it. When we choose Jesus we belong to the Sovereign King who rules and reigns over the things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities.

Satan kills, steals, and destroys but with Christ we get to live above that. We find healing for our hearts and a new day to live in the redemption He has for us to experience. He gives us His peace in the storms and His joy in the midst of our pain. Only He can reach our places of deep pain and extreme suffering.

Here’s my prayer for you today and I’ll share it in the version that you can pray it yourself every day or every time you think to do it. This prayer is based on various scriptures. When we speak the scriptures over our lives, we’re accessing power that we’ll never be able to comprehend on this side of heaven. I interchange Father, God, Daddy so substitute your name for Him.

Father because you are the God who turns our hearts, give us revelation, and stirs our passions I give you praise.

Thank you for your faithfulness to renew my passions every morning.
Thank you for engaging my whole heart in pursuing you.
Thank you for drawing me closer to you so that I will seek you.
Thank you for continually igniting a desire within me to seek your heart, your face, your love for me.
Thank you for listening to me and continually reveling yourself to me.

Everything is in you, for you, to you, through you, by you and you hold it all together. Help me to rest my fears and anxieties on you because you hold everything in place, and everything answers to you.

Father, I ask for forgiveness. Search my heart and if there is anything offensive to you, anything that stands in my way of knowing and hearing you, pull it out, roots and all. Let not a single strand remain.

Wash me white as snow and make me new in you. I want to be transformed and I trust you to do it.

Daddy, I want to learn to dream your way. To set goals with you. To do with you, the work you have for me.

Daddy, your word says that you will give me a new heart and put a new spirit in me. I intentionally invite you to remove my heart of stone and give me your heart of flesh so that I might perceive you, pursue you with all of my heart, mind, body, soul, and strength

Let it be as you have written in your book about me.


Love Loved and Thrive!


  1. What is something that you worry about?
  2. Is there a reason why you do not trust God with it?
  3. Which scripture do you use to rewrite your fears when you’re triggered?
  4. Use that scripture of choose one of the 2 scriptures referenced here (Romans or Colossians). Write it out every day for a week and talk to God about it as you write. Record what God reveals to you as you discuss His word with Him.
  5. Talk with God about what He has written in His book about your numbered days.

Take Action:

For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen Romans 11:35 NLT

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16 NLT

Translation: There is only One who is in control because everything seen and unseen, known and unknown answers to God. It is His burden to carry not ours. He’s ready to provide His presence, truth, revelation and freedom in all of life’s circumstances. He never leaves us in our distress.

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