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Maylissa Luby – Healing from Sex Trafficking

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My guest, Maylissa Luby (you’ll hear me call her May) is the founder of  May’s Heart, a non-profit organization that helps survivors who have been in the sex trafficking industry. Her heart is to help these women find their inner voice and freedom through Christ. Today May talks about her personal journey from sex trafficking to wholeness in Christ. When Maylissa was 23 she met Christ, and that’s when her healing journey began.

Maylissa entered the sex trafficking industry as a means of taking control of her life. Today, she’ll tell you what a lie that was but as a 15 year old who never knew she had a voice or that boundaries existed, it seemed like the perfect “take control” move to use the industry to make money vs her continually being abused and having no say so.

We talked about how past or present abuse surfaces in our everyday life and the signs that indicate we need healing. Sometimes if we have distance on the trauma or if we don’t live in that environment anymore or the abuse has stopped, then we think we should be fine. But the truth is, if we don’t process the pain and confusion then it will stay with us until we let it out in a healthy way. 

There are many ways in which we avoid dealing with our pain some well known coping crutches are things like alcohol, drugs, sex, cigarettes, excessive shopping, lack of boundaries, fits of rage, or maybe we run our household by instilling fear. The list is endless. But shame and guilt go no where until we face it, until the lies that we believe about ourself are rewritten. That’s when peace replaces anxiety, calm settles our storm.

The beauty of what May has for women who want to leave the sex industry is that she points them to the One who has the peace that surpasses all understanding. The One who gently draws us into who He created us to be. She points them to Christ, the One who rewrites the lies and pain of this life. He doesn’t judge us. He leads us into healing with His extravagant grace and mercy not to mention His exquisite, unfailing love for us. 

May’s heart is to help sex trafficking victims find hope and healing. As a survivor she’s dedicated her life to the mission of leading women into inner healing through mentorship programs and life coaching services. 

Listen to her podcast, May You Break the Silence. This is where she gives the mic to survivors and allows them to share their stories so that other women know they’re not alone and that no matter where they’ve been or even where they’re at, healing in Christ is completely possible.

Live Loved and Thrive!

Here are ways to follow her mission and services. 
May’s Heart website
Looking for a Christian Life Coach?


Maylissa Luby has had the privilege to work with women as an intervention counselor to help victims leave the sex industry and find hope of a better future. As a survivor of sex trafficking, she has a passion to inspire others to heal from sexual abuse. 

Her life and work experience inspired her to launch May’s Heart, a non-profit organization to help bring resources and healing to victims of sexual abuse. She gave her heart to Jesus when she was 23 years old and it forever changed her life. She has learned that healing is not a destination but a transformation.  


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