A Life of Thrive
A Life of Thrive exists to create opportunities for you to have an intimate moment with the One who says you are enough, Christ.
Through our bi-monthly blog and bi-monthly podcast we explore God’s extravagant love for you.
We Speak To The Heart
We speak to the heart of a woman who loves the Lord and who knows God loves her too.
And yet, something feels disconnected for you.
You have trouble hearing Jesus, and it can feel like He’s talking to everyone except you.
You're asking the hard questions.
“Is this all there is to life?”
“Why would a good God allow this type of pain?”
“Have I missed my calling in life?”
“Has God given up on me?”
You know from experience that life is not easy.
Pain and suffering feels too close sometimes, and even God himself can feel distant and at times doesn’t seem to make sense.
Join us each week for a blog post or a podcast episode that brings joy to your soul and explores answers to the deepest questions of the heart.
Sherrie Pilkington gives you stories that look at life through the lens of God’s heart. The blog and podcast strives to close the distance from the head to the heart so you can live an authentic life in freedom and extravagant love.
Meet Your Podcast Host
Hi precious friend, I'm Sherrie.
I’m so glad you’re here. Addressing our grief is never easy, so I am truly grateful for your trust as we navigate this delicate subject. I promise there is healing and love to be found here.
I know it from experience. Widowed in early 2018 after 32 years of marriage, my whole world and everything was shaken to the core of my existence. Life no longer made sense. I needed answers, and I desperately needed to know I was not alone.
In the midst of my continued healing, I cherish the love of my sons, daughters-in-law, and beautiful grandchildren who bring the fresh water of joy. But there is a special comfort and encouragement in the stories of other women who have endured the devastation of life-shattering events and can testify to the beauty of Christ meeting them in their despair.
As I’ve lived through this journey, I’ve discovered this truth: we are never alone, as God does not hesitate to enter into our pain with us. He speaks the most beautiful things in the dark.