Be it physical or emotional, if you live with chronic illness you’ll want to listen to the heart of my guest today. Meredith Bunting lives with 2 debilitating illnesses that do not have a cure and yet she has finds holy moments in her darkest days.
Using her pain, she bridges her reality with heaven and finds the compassionate, fierce love of her Father in places that only He can reach.
Visit her website to find more about her life, her pain and her new book coming out: meredithbunting.com. While you wait for her new book take the time to read her blog posts. Make sure you read the one entitled “The Essence of Pain.” She uses the word PAIN as an acronym to speak briefly yet shine His deeply into the loneliness and despair paralyzing pain brings into her life.
This life can hand us chronic illness but God still has something beautiful to speak into those dark places. You’re never alone because He will never leave you.
After talking with Meredith, I too wrote a brief blog post about our conversation and you can find it on my blog page at holymoments.com
I think you’ll find like me, after spending some time with Meredith you’ll naturally want to recline a little deeper onto the chest of our Savior, Jesus Christ.