Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti
close up of ocean water, eye level with the water line


Sweet woman, this week I’m thinking of you and how your responsibilities and obligations may have you running from here to there, jumping through hoops that are constantly changing. I know any given day can be hectic, demanding and, at times, overwhelming—especially when there are attached expectations. Instead of being saturated in stress, let me share one of my ways of releasing anxiety: be saturated in the presence of God.

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The Beloved, shoreline, white foam rolling up on beach, footprints in the sand

His Beloved

The one and only tattoo I have says, “His Beloved.” It’s on my right forearm so I can see it when I write/type. I want to be reminded that I share my heart with women who are the beloved of God. It reminds me to pull down the barriers and be real, so we might be joined together and share the burden of this world and the love and joy that God offers us in the midst of it.

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Good Virus, image is close up of a drop of water falling into the water below causing a ripple

Good Virus

At the time of writing these words, the world collectively holds its breath as an ominous virus threatens our daily routines. The media hype ensures that panic sends everyone into a hoarding mode, businesses are taking a hit be it financial, loss of employees or the complete loss of their business.  And then there’s the stock market dive. We need a good virus to overtake the current one.

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a female child sleeping clutching teddy bear

God’s Rest

Everything about life finds its strength rooted in rest. That sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Initially, that’s what it sounded like to me. As usual, God’s value system is completely different from ours. Life pulls us all over the place with responsibilities and things we’ve obligated ourselves to. People count on us, so we need to show up in many areas and in a variety of ways.

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white background, silhouette of long haired girl hands raised in the air like she's dancing

Thank YOU!

What are some of the ways we express our appreciation? Maybe we say, “Thank you!” Perhaps we buy a gift or return the favor. In what ways do you show God how grateful you are for all He has done for you?

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two women, sitting side by side, looking out over the water with sun setting.

It’s About More Than Time

Have you been in a situation when you didn’t know which option to choose? Perhaps the choices seem equally risky, and the thought of gambling with the outcome was of no comfort. There have been numerous times when I’ve asked God to walk through the door, sit down in front of me, and show me the choice that will result in His best for me.

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barren field, broken down fence and a white church with a steeple far off in the field

Come To Me

Would you like some encouragement today? Do you need to know you have Someone who is not only in your corner but who makes a way for you, stands beside you, and is all around you? Would a reminder that there is Someone who is closer than your breath and who can steady your heart and mind be of comfort to you? Every time you feel stressed, confused, or less than happy, these are indicators letting you know that there is One who is lovingly drawing you to Him saying, “Come to Me.”

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blond girl with coat and gloves, throwing dirt into the air


I talk to myself all the time—mainly because I’m the only one who listens to me! I’ve been organizing things in my head so long that I’ll catch myself answering my various dilemmas. Stranger still, I sometimes do this in public … out loud! How embarrassing to be caught responding to voices. One time a woman passed me and said, “Bless her heart” under her breath … but not quite under her breath.

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Gravity, earth from outer space, white topography with light blue outer ring and dark blue outer space


As we close out the month of love with music and lyrics, I want to share one of the songs I use in order to fall asleep. This week would have been my husband’s birthday, and this song’s message helps calm my mind and settle my heart. The days can seem long, but it’s at night when I turn out the lights that the gravity of empty echoes through the house, especially our bedroom. There is no warmth coming from his side of the bed and the blankets are all mine. No legs to gently slide back on his side of the bed to give me more room and there’s no snoring inches from my ear. All things I would gladly receive.

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