Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti
A Good God Blog post - pastel sky over the shadow of mountains

A Good God

This morning bright and early I had the chance to sit with a sweet friend, a young momma who shared an amazing miracle that she and her family experienced this past weekend. True to the nature of a miracle, something horrific presents itself and, despite everything saying there should be a tragic ending, the story turns out to be completely different. Their four-year-old son is perfectly fine, and everything points toward there being no concerns regarding his physical condition from head to toe. I left our short visit in awe of how God shows Himself faithful.

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pastel skyline with a lone bird flying

How Amazing

If I had to guess, I’d say Christian worship songs comprise about 97% of the music I listen to every day. I’ve listened to praise music for so long that, when I try to listen to current popular songs or some of the music I grew up with, I’m good for only one or two songs. I realize my age may be filtering my preferences, but words have a powerful effect on our minds and, therefore, our lives.

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Three women sitting on a rock looking at the moon rise over the ocean, For Your Good and His Glory

Your Good and His Glory

What the enemy means for evil God will work for your good and His glory. In my lifetime, I cannot remember when the evil desires of men were so blatant and bold about their agenda. But I must question if the level of evil has escalated, or does it seem more excessive because it’s the only angle that is covered in the mass media?

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sunset on the water, sun shining through palm trees and a bench

Steadfast Love

One of the most loving things you can do for the people around you is to set and hold boundaries. The only boundaries that are truly effective are those made with love. Loving boundaries keep relationships healthy. People are held responsible for their own stuff, and others don’t have to carry burdens never intended for them. Love is truth, and truth is love. And both are rooted in the steadfast love of God.

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beach, waters edge LOVE written in the sand. Not Qualified Blog

Not Qualified

After briefly talking with a friend the other day, the conversation continued to turn over in my mind, as I mulled over and explored our exchange. He had admitted that he hesitates to share his faith because he doesn’t feel qualified. I can definitely connect with that same struggle.

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bird on the limb of a flowering tree

God Knows

Hey, sweet woman, how’s it going? There are so many twists and turns in the plot line of life that I wanted to encourage you. God has you covered, dear one. I was praying for you this morning and thought I’d remind you of God’s devoted love for you. Not just any love or a love but THE love that has no rival and no equal and that reigns supreme in every circumstance and emotion.

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woman facing away, sitting in a grass field staring out into the distant mountains

Love in Pieces

I’m so excited! It’s a self-care day! Silence any interruptions, posture (soften/humble) your heart to receive, and give your focus to love. I’m going to be brief and to the point because I want you to spend the majority of your time in relaxed meditation on who God is and how much He loves you.

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single white rose bud

Severe Mercy

I just finished reading Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken, a true love story about Sheldon and his wife, Davy (aka Jean). The story is told by Sheldon himself and includes letters (discussions) with CS Lewis as they process faith, love, and death.

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Dark, Yet Peaceful blog post, image is starry night sky with tree silhouettes

Dark, Yet Peaceful

It’s 3am, and my house is dark, yet peaceful. On her doggie bed in the corner of my bedroom, my chunky adopted pound pup snores rhythmically. The bedside fan hums. All is quiet … except for my mind. Conversations run back and forth in it.

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