Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti

Loneliness or Regret

Life is full of choices. From the time we get up to the time we close our eyes we are evaluating our options and making decisions. These decisions include choosing your thought life, self-talk, how we want to show up for our relationships and how we want to invest in our future etc. So let me ask you this, “Which torment is more preferable to live with, loneliness or regret?” Maybe there is a third option—the pain of brokenness. Then again, maybe loneliness and regret are by-products of remaining in brokenness.

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Love in Pieces

Are you familiar with those graphics that show two sides of how we see ourselves? On one side the graphic says, “How I think I look,” and on the other it says, “How I really look.” Earlier this week I was disappointed in myself when I caught sight of how I really look. I was reminded why we’re told the heart is deceitful above all things. I don’t feel like a bad person;

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Unanswered Prayers

2018 brought many challenges, both emotional and spiritual. I lost my husband of 31 years, my sweet fur baby of 12 years, and my mom of 54 years. I can only liken the year to the experience of being on a small boat tossed about by (sometimes) violent rolls of emotion that threatened to overtake me. A year of unchartered waters. I’ve questioned many things, and I’ve had to face the fact that my God has left me with unanswered prayers. 

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Get Rich and Lose Weight

What if I told you that two of many people’s major goals are completely within grasp? Do you want to get rich and lose weight? It’s so simple you’re going to look at me (if you could) and say, “Duh!”

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Relationship is Simple

The point at which relationships succeed is the same point at which relationships will fail, and the reason is super simple, or is it? Transparency. Without it, we will never establish a relationship that can endure the trails of everyday life. On the flip side, relationship will end very quickly if we are no longer transparent but secretive and withdrawn. Relationship may never get a chance to set roots if we portray to be someone we think other people want us to be.

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A Blur at Best

As I welcome my grandchildren into my heart, my mind wanders back to the days when I was a young mom and worried over my sons. As I get older, my concerns are constantly being challenged due to the rapidly changing moral compass. Change is coming from every direction, on every level, and with no solid footing to keep it in place. It’s a blur at best.

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silhouette man and woman beach

I Miss Him

It’s been 369 days without his mischievous smile, his contagious laugh, and his personality that filled the whole house. It’s been 8,856 hours since I kissed his lips, held his hand, or looked into his eyes. It’s been 535,680 minutes since our last adventure together (2.19) playing our people game that only made sense to us. It’s been a lifetime since he last loved on our grandchildren and spoiled them like only he could. I miss him.

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double rainbow over valley

God Gives Double

I’ve been holding a couple of things close to my heart. Talking with God about them. Pondering the depth of His meaning, evaluating His truths against how I define my reality. Comparing His word to my life, His intentions against my experience.

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black and white butterfly on red flowers

God Still Speaks in Parables

What does a tantrum-throwing, snotty-nosed brat have to do with your personal relationship with Christ? Would it shock you if I told you God still speaks in parables? The parables of the Bible have two elements that apply to us today: a common occurrence/familiar experience and a deeper meaning pointing us heavenward. Just like the people in the Bible, we must tune our eye and ear to the deeper meaning.

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