Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti

Dear Younger Me

As I get older I’ve often said, “Oh, to be 21 again.” But I’m also quick to add that I would not go back unless I can do so knowing what I now know. There are enough mistakes and displays of poor judgment that I do not wish to relive. The only reason worth going back would be to make amends, right my wrongs and do a better job the second time around.

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Our Why

It’s a question we all ask throughout our lives. Our why moves from genuine curiosity, to questioning authority, and finally becomes a need to understand pain or the serious issues of life.

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The other day I saw “CPR” in big letters promoting a safety course. I immediately wondered where I might need CPR in my life.

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Complicated Questions

Complicated Questions

Children ask the best questions. They’re honest and say exactly what they think, even if it’s completely off track. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cringe. Their complicated questions can make us want to evaporate from embarrassment or from a lack of not knowing exactly how to respond.

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Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

I was listening to a presentation about God’s forgiveness. One example given left a powerful impression on me. The impression was not necessarily based on the specific point of forgiveness that was being made but had more to do with God’s desire that nothing separate us from Him. Forgiveness and uninterrupted relationship are two of the most beautiful aspects of a personal relationship with God, and they’re bridged by His unconditional love. 

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Not That Different

There’s a song from back in the day when I was in my early 20s called Jane Says. Whenever I hear that song, it takes me back to the same mindset I had in 1987. Now that I have more life under my belt, I realize the girl in the song, who I once pitied, is not that different from me.

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PMS (Without the Headache and Cramping)

I’ve been spending the last few months trying to figure out who I am without my husband. We did 34 years of life together so all my adult firsts were with him. Marriage, buying a house, having babies, a business. Who am I now?  This is the perfect intersection for a personal mission statement.

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Word Power

Word Power

While there are several different types of communication (nonverbal, written, facial expression, etc.), the one we most connect with on a daily basis is verbal. Because speaking is so natural, I tend to take its foundational power for granted. Scripture tells us that words have the power of life or death. Life or death. Let that sink in for a moment.

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Your biggest fan will always provide support and encouragement

Your Biggest Fan!

My son and daughter-in-love invited me to attend my granddaughter’s K-4 year-end play. As I took my seat, I anxiously waited for her class to make their way to the stage. I didn’t know anything about the presentation; I just knew she was going to be part of the production. As soon as I spotted her, I waited for the moment when she would be positioned to see me, and I threw my hand in the air with a wild wave. She spotted me and acknowledged me with a smile and a shy wave. I sat poised to give her all the support I felt she might need. Over the top? Maybe, but I won’t apologize to anyone. I’m her biggest fan!

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