Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti


Haven’t we heard at one time or another that we all have lessons to learn and, if we don’t learn those lessons, then we’ll continue to repeat the experiences, getting the same results over and over. In short, that’s what Henry Ford said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

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3 Reasons to Choose Jesus

Kenny Chesney has a song with lyrics that say, “Everybody want to go to heaven, but nobody want to go now.” That’s okay because it should be that way—we have a lot to see, do, accomplish, and experience about God on this side of eternity.

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Wrapped in Prayer

“Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and He brought them to their desired haven.”—Psalm 107:28-30 NIV

For years our family traveled extensively in order for my oldest son to chase his dream of being a pro motocross (mx) competitor. He had a love for adrenaline and made it his mission to prevail in every challenge. He had wisdom and skill that exceeded his years. The sport brought him joy, and my husband and I were so very proud of him. I’ll admit that my pride was shadowed by fear so I relied on prayer to calm this mother’s terrors.

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Face to Face

Face to Face

I rarely feel the need to use social media to defend my views on life, God, politics, etc. In the few times I’ve taken part in discussions or initiated them, I had a strong desire to chime in on the topic. While I take joy in being kind to every human being, I’m well aware that my particular voice/vibe attracts a certain tribe, and, therefore, I’m surrounded with more likeminded people than not. The main reason I refrain from social media declarations is because I’m convinced differing opinions are conversations best had face to face.

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Worship and Submission

In my private time recently, the Lord downloaded some clarity for me—just a sweet revelation that brought insight to a scripture I have wondered about on and off for some time. While I was worshiping Him with praise music, the phrase “worship is my warfare” caught my attention. He was taking me deeper into the power of worship.

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In mid-August I had the chance to share my story with a group of women. I had been asked if I would share what it meant to Biblically stand in the midst of tragedy. I told my pastor I didn’t feel qualified to contribute, because I don’t consider myself standing at this particular time. I would describe this season of my life as reclining against the shoulders of God.

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A Better Way

When it comes to travel there is something special about experiencing a place through someone who lives there. They have the inside scoop and know all the must-sees, must-haves, and must-do’s! They can give you an experience that is the most authentic to their culture. Most importantly, they know the places you should skip. Who wants to waste money on bad restaurants, expensive excursions, or a bad transportation system when there’s a better way!

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Seasons of Life

I do this every year. I can’t believe the leaves are starting to change. Where did summer go?

Seems I’m always finding fault with the weather. I was so frustrated with all the cold weather we had this past winter. Relentless, it encroached into our normal start of spring. I couldn’t stop complaining. It was so nice when spring finally decided to stay.

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God’s Kindness

Since my husband’s funeral I’ve had a handful of family and friends request a copy of what I wrote to honor him. I’m humbled that anyone would find value in the things I say, so I will gladly share with the hope that it will encourage others to see themselves through the eyes and heart of God. See below for the links to both my eulogy and the service itself.

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