Live Loved and Thrive

The Blog

Thrive, P and Confetti

Sin and Hell

Did you know that sin does not send you to hell? It’s true! But when I first heard it put that way, I immediately thought, “What hell are you talking about? Of course, sin sends you to hell—and there’s only one hell you need to be concerned with!”

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Questioner Behind the Question

I grew up in an environment where questions were not received well. I was told I was nosey, dumb, or received vague answers especially with regard to our family-proclaimed faith of Christianity. It was as if the questioner behind the question did not exist.

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Image in the Mirror

There can be great benefits to conferences. A couple of months ago I listened to a woman who challenged the audience to create morning habits that would set the tone for our day. She shared with us that her morning ritual started before she lifted her head off the pillow. As she listed each purposeful action, I could see how the focused intention set the pace and attitude for the day ahead, because the real battle in every day and in any challenge is our thought life!

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A Good Husband

I would imagine there are only a few women who have not at one point in their married lives questioned their choice. At some phase in their commitment of “till death do us part,” they wonder why marriage is even worth it. I further imagine there are single women who question their singleness a time or two. Are they missing out on something by not having a ride-or-die partner for life?

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Who Are You?

It’s the beginning of October as I sit in an Atlanta hotel room writing my latest blog post. I arrived here from Florida after spending some time with my precious friend who is gifted at extravagant hospitality.

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I keep hearing the same message over and over: Rest. Specifically, rest in the Lord. My first reaction is that, for the last year and half, that’s all I’ve been doing. More accurately, it’s all I’ve been able to do. But if I stop long enough to actually evaluate what I call rest, I learn that my rest is nothing like the rest God is drawing me into. 

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No Wrong Answers

Have you ever been at a crossroads and desperately wanted to know the right way to go? You question your options and you genuinely don’t have the answers. Should you go with the riskier option that, if you’re right, would result in the better payoff? Or should you be more practical and take a stand, even though this decision will be harder to walk out?

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Success God’s Way

I love books. I recently came across “Experiencing Success God’s Way,” written by Charles Stanley (2000). I was intrigued by the idea of success from God’s point of view. I know He supports success, but I’m always leery of the fake prosperity gospels that some churches proclaim. I was curious to see what Dr. Stanley had to share. What exactly does success look like by God’s definition?

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The Freedom of Responsibility

I love when the Word of God reveals a new perspective or another way to experience Him. Without fail, a revelation always brings refreshing and floods us with a new level of freedom.

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