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Balancing Good and Evil – Lori Morrison, Private Investigator

Lori Morrison Headshot, Balancing Good and Evil

My guest Lori Morrison is a Christian who happens to be a PI, Private Investigator. She deals with good and evil on a daily basis. She also hosts the podcast called The Unlovely Truth where she explores the intersection of faith and true crime. In each of her episodes she’s not making up any of the evil she discusses. Evil is real.

All of this is intriguing to me because as Christians we also face good and evil on a daily basis and we have a huge fascination with true crime. However, we don’t want anything to do with evil in our lives. I can’t blame you there because if I’m honest, neither do I.

We tend to shun evil to the point that we completely avoid it, we pray it away, we’re afraid to engage it, and we’re horrified by the headlines in the news. Not only does Lori engage evil on a daily basis from the perspective of helping families find answers about their loved ones, but she also serves female inmates through a bible study. 

I think about the courage that it takes to see both sides of the equation. As she shared her experiences I realized how much intention it takes to stay balanced. To have compassion for both the family of the victim and the criminal and yet engage in the fight for justice. But as Christians isn’t that what we’re required to do? Be in the world but not of it? To love justice and seek mercy?

Lori recalls the true crime story that Jesus uses as a teaching tool and in doing so she shows us how we are to combat evil and that is to become engaged in the fight to offset evil. Lori says that it’s not about becoming a PI yourself. Each of us can make our own personal impact. There is work to do, and we, as individuals, can make an impact on both sides of the equation.  

As Christians we reveal the heart of God in our normal day to day activities, through our skills and passions etc. We have the opportunity to shine the Light of who Christ is into the darkest parts of life, to let a hurting world know that God has the power and the authority to turn evil for our good and His glory.  Whether that’s a family that gets closure and personal justice for their loved one or the repentant heart of a criminal who becomes sold out for Christ and uses their past to heal others living in a life of crime.

If you’re a Christian you know that God loves everyone. Without exception. So our first step in using God’s light to dispel the darkness of this life is to engage the heart of God. Let’s find out what about us does He want to use, where does He want to work through us. Where dose He want us to apply our gifts and talents, time, energy and resources. And then let’s use Lori’s example of how she is purposeful about taking care of herself so that she’s able to balance the push and pull of this life with the passion of God’s heart. 

Live Loved & Thrive!!

Connect with Lori:

Lori’s Bio: I’m licensed private investigator Lori Morrison. You may know me as the host of the podcast the Unlovely Truth, an author, and a speaker.  I’m here to help you become a different kind of P.I. – a Person of Impact. I’ve done it, I’ve worked with others who have done it, and I can help YOU do it, too!


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