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Rosie Makinney – A Porn Free Marriage is Possible

Rosie McKinney Fight For Love A Porn Free Marriage is Possible

Rosie Makinney wants you to know that a porn free marriage is possible! Rosie is the founder of Fight for Love Ministries and the author a book titled the same, Fight for Love. She is my guest and if porn is a problem in your marriage, she has some good news for you today!

If there is a lack of intimacy in your marriage, a disconnect that you can’t quite put your finger on then listen to this entire conversation. If your husband struggles with a porn addiction and you’re in need of some answers, clarity, hope and healing, you must listen to this whole conversation. If you’re a women who struggles with porn, Rosie gives you hope and points you toward healing.

Fight For Love Ministries is where Rosie equips and educates women with a baseline of information about the dangers of porn, showing them the way out of addiction because her heart is that every marriage, every woman has a fighting chance. Her book on this same topic, titled Fight for Love, is an amazing resource as well as her website

.We talk mostly about husband’s who are struggling with an addiction to porn but we also talk about the fastest growing user group, women. One third of porn users are female. We talk to them in this conversation and there is a focused portion of Rosie’s book for women who are struggling with a porn addiction. 

Her passion for bringing this sensitive topic to the surface and normalizing an aggressive stance against pornography in marriage was born out of her own personal journey because of her husband, Mark’s porn addiction.

Mark and Rosie now live a porn free marriage. Mark is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist and Rosie gives hope and healing to other women who find themselves in the same situation she experienced. Loneliness, thinking you’re the only one, fear about speaking up, confusion and misinformation about how you should act/what you should say, and hearing just plain bad advice.

Rosie has created a clear, empowering path of freedom for women to initiate recovery and stay the course. 

Some of the topics we covered: why women blame themselves, misconceptions about porn use, the difference between how men and women interact with porn, the fact that a wife is not simply fighting her husband’s preferences or even another person and Rosie shows us how the battle is an altered chemical state in the brain.

As you’ll hear in the opening clip, Rosie explains why is it still traumatic for a woman and the relationship even if the husband does not reveal his addiction. Even though the wife may not have concrete evidence, or even an explanation of the disconnect of intimacy there is still a consequence. So that whole way of thinking by a husband of, I’m not going to tell my wife because I want to protect her doesn’t work. There’s still an emotional, mental and physical consequence to that way of thinking. 

Something else that was interesting to me, Rosie explained that pornography itself is not the reason for divorce and when she explained her findings it made complete sense. She points out how the attitudes and behaviors that surround porn use as typically being the ultimate destruction of the marriage.

Rosie’s message will set you free because she knows that you don’t have to try harder, you need to educate yourself on what you’re dealing with. Understanding the power position that God has already given you will help you understand the best way to stand in the gap for your husband and bring true, lasting change.

Fight for Love because it’s worth it and a porn free marriage, a porn free life is possible!

Live Loved and Thrive!

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Book: Fight For Love
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Resources Mentioned:
The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Ray Gregory:
Documentary – 3 part Brain, Heart World by Fight The New Drug:

Rosie Makinney is a writer, speaker, and podcaster, who ten years ago entered the fight against her husband’s compulsive porn use. Through her faithful and uncompromising stance and his repentance, counseling, and group work, their marriage is now porn-free. From the very beginning of her journey, Rosie has been bold and relentless about reaching other wives struggling with porn-invaded marriages. There is now a thriving recovery community on the central coast of California, supervised by her husband, Mark, a certified sexual addiction therapist. Rosie is the founder of Fight For Love Ministries, which empowers women with both the facts and the faith to fight against porn addiction and its effects on them, their spouses, and their families. Connect with her at


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