This guest post is from a precious woman whose sweet, soft spoken nature represents the heart of God so beautifully. Always a smile on her face, the Holy Spirit reflected in her eyes, and a kind word on her lips. What Sandra has to share with us is a precious reminder that the God of the Holy Bible is writing a much bigger love story with you as the individual He created you to be!
Also, here is the link to Sandra’s podcast episode she did with me. In it she shares her personal journey of what it was like as she navigated her family tragedy. She reads excerpts from her journal revealing her genuine questions and ultimate choice to forgive her nephew for the murder of his parents, Sandra’s brother and sister-in-law. (
For my local readers here in Hampton Roads/Southeast Virginia, Sandra will teach a 4-session study called, “Signs of the Second Coming,” beginning (tonight!) Tuesday, July 13, at 7pm at her church, (Biltmore Baptist – – for four Tuesday nights. Reach out to Sandra if you’d like more details,
This is Your Story — Once Upon a Time
Guest Post from Sandra Barker
The English writer, G.K. Chesterton once said, “I had always felt life first as a story — and if there is a story, there is a story teller,” – or, we could say – there is an Author with a capital “A.”
Many of the fairy tales we grew up reading began with the familiar phrase, “Once upon a time….” and from that opening, a story about people and their lives spun out. Although fairy tales are fiction, they often mirror real life. Our world’s “Once upon a time….” story began in Genesis 1:1, with the words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Right away we meet the great Author of our story — God.
You could say that each of us began our own story with the phrase, “Once upon a time _____ (fill in your name) was born. This was your beginning – the first breath of who you are today. Lots of things have happened between that moment and this moment. As with any story, there is conflict, laughter, tears, good times and bad times. Have you ever read a novel that didn’t have some sort of conflict or some kind of villain?
What are some of the conflicts that have appeared in your life story? Conflict is actually a requirement when writing a story. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble....” John 16:33. It’s not a case of “if” you have trouble/conflict, but rather “when” you have trouble.
There’s always a villain in every story too. The villain at the heart of many of our troubles is that old enemy Satan who is always throwing snares at us. His goal is to cause you as much heartache as possible.
But there is also a Hero in our story. There’s always a hero, but this Hero is better than all others. Unlike the heroes of fairy tales who have limited powers, the Hero of our story is in control of all things, knows all things, and is all love. Here’s what the Psalmist David said about our Hero, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies and Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever,” 138:7-8.
The ultimate purpose of our story unfolding is for the love of God to shine through our lives so that all the world that surrounds us will see how wonderful He is in our lives Priscilla Shirer writes, “Make sure your life writes a story worth reading. In future generations, your story will be the one that encourages someone else to follow hard after God. You’ve been given the opportunity to write a story beyond your expectations….”
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven,” Matthew 5:16.
Lived Loved and Thrive!
BIO: Sandra Julian Barker is the author of more than a dozen books, numerous magazine articles and a story in the best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul.” Sandra has a passion for sharing the love of Christ, encouraging hope and helping others seek God’s path of purpose in their lives. When she’s not writing or teaching, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. Visit her blog at or contact her at
Her most recent book, “Ordinary Women – Extraordinary God, volume two,” is available on Amazon. ISBN 9781689369237 Amazon link: