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Kimberley Milousis – From Victim to Victor!

Headshot of Kimberley Milousis for her podcast episode

You’re going to enjoy my conversation with my Canadian guest, Kimberley Milousis. I say enjoy, because if you’re like me, you never get tired of hearing someone beat the odds. After talking with Kimberley, it is obvious to me that she is a powerful overcomer, who reigns in her areas of responsibility.

If anyone has a reason to never amount to much, Kimberly had the perfect childhood set up that ensures she would continue to struggle through life. An alcoholic mom, a father who was a pimp and a drug dealer, foster care, sexual abuse. All the components of a life far less than what God had for her.

As she reflects on life, she can see that God was pursuing her through it all. Since the moment she turned her heart toward God, to where she is today, she’s experienced four things that moved her through healing and into restoration. In our conversation she shares the 4 areas that she worked through and how it contributed to her healing.

She continues to thrive in her life as she practices what she preaches and you can learn more about that on her website: and you’ll find her signature course Life More Abundantly.

She has a strong passion to help others create abundance in the areas of emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health, all areas that she has excelled in and continues to excel in.

Let’s get to the conversation so we can discover some insight on what it takes to move from victim to victor!

Live Liked and Thrive!

Connect with Kimberley Milousis on her website where you can find her powerful course Life More Abundantly: & on FB


About: Kimberley Milousis is a CPA tax-specialist turned natural-health-entrepreneur and abundance coach. In her coaching work, she focuses on empowering people to create an abundance in their mind, body, and finances, and she recently launched her Life More Abundantly course for that very purpose. Kimberley is also a home-schooling mom and loves swimming, hiking, scuba diving and gardening.

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