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For Your Good and His Glory

Three women sitting on a rock looking at the moon rise over the ocean, For Your Good and His Glory

Repost! Wanted to repost this post from June of 2020. A sweet reminder that I’m praying for you and for our country. God is the answer to pain in the world and in your heart. While it may seem out of control, God is perfectly in control of all things. It’s all about HIs glory but He turns it all for our good. Relax in God because everything is running according to His Kingdom calendar. Our Groom will be here before you know it!

What the enemy means for evil God will work for your good and His glory. In my lifetime, I cannot remember when the evil desires of men were so blatant and bold about their agenda. But I must question if the level of evil has escalated, or does it seem more excessive because it’s the only angle that is covered in the mass media?

Have (wo)men changed with the regard to the percentage of people who think and act out in anti-social, illegal, and racist ways, or does our access to 7-days-a-week, 24-hour-coverage heighten our feelings of dismay and hopelessness?

The days may seem dark and full of despair, but the truth is that the Son is shining above the overcast condition of humanity. God is not overwhelmed or taken by surprise. He knows His creation better than we do, and, believe it or not, everything is moving right along on His kingdom calendar.

That doesn’t mean we give in and do nothing about trying to make a difference in the midst of brokenness or pain. No, we double down and seek to discover what God is up to in the midst of the intense pressure. We seek to heal, understand, and impact the lives around us with change. We speak truth in love; we lead by example in how we treat people who are different from us; and we seek God’s heart on how He wants to be seen, experienced, heard.

If you want to be equipped with more than merely getting through times like these and you prefer to be active and engaged, then spend time with God asking Him what He wants to do through you. How does He want to use you as a vessel to bring heaven on earth?

Whatever He leads you to will start with your immediate family and friends—those you have invested in and share your life with—as you have earned the right to speak into their lives. They are the ones who will come alongside you when you share what God has revealed to you. And, in return, you can support their God-given visions.

The first drop of living water that will send a ripple effect of change out into the world starts in your quiet time with God. That investment spills into the heart of your everyday life. We can’t live isolated lives acting as though what we do does not affect those around us. The God of the Holy Bible is the God of relationship. Because we were created for relationship, everything we do affects those around us. Truly, there is no area of our lives that does not include relationship.

I want you to know I love you. I may not know you personally, but I do know you have intrinsic value and are therefore worthy of my love.

As much as I want to emulate the love of God, my love can be weak, bold, broken, pure, kind, moody, and fragile, among other things. Still, when people fail us, we can always rely on the flawless, resilient, never-ending love of God.

I’ll share some of what I’ve been praying for you and for our country. May your heart be encouraged to stay the course and to dig deeper into the heart of God to discover the beauty despite the pain.

Father God, You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You are never overwhelmed, and You are patient beyond measure. How we praise Your great name for being steadfast in the midst of our turmoil and our despair.

You hear our cries, and You weep with those who mourn. The choices we make impact everything around us. Our civility, freedom, safety, businesses, lives, futures, our children, employment … everything. We thank You for showing us Your favor despite the chaos.

Because You are the God who sees us, who has a special name for us that only you know, and who loves us with an everlasting love, we thank You that You would move Your hand and dissolve anything that is hindering us.

Encourage our hearts today with Your great love for us. Daddy, Your Word says You prepare a table for us right in front of our enemy. Kindly show us what You mean by that. Your Word says we are not to worry about what we will wear or eat, so we thank You that You will provide the things we need.

Thank You for the intimacy of Your presence. May I feel Your tangible presence especially when words are few and burdens are heavy. Father, we need You, and we thank You for providing the protection for us that only You can provide.

Thank You, Father God, that You do not cancel anyone but work on behalf of all who seek Your heart. Thank You for the extravagance of seeing us through each day of Your Kingdom calendar, moving us closer to Your return. In the meantime, guide us, protect us, and provide for us withholding no good thing from our hearts.

Thank You, King Jesus, that all things are under Your feet and everything under the sun answers to Your authority. Thank You that You are not a God of confusion and despair, but You are the God who has plans for us and will give us a hope and a future. Reveal to us Your heart for the world around us, and give us a double portion of Your love and courage to follow Your heart into the places You want to work.

We love You, Father God,



These questions are in no way a substitute for healthcare professionals or any level of professional counseling. I’m an advocate for taking care of oneself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. These questions reflect my heart, NOT my profession.

This questionnaire is an opportunity to journal your thoughts and feelings. It can serve as a launching pad on which to evaluate your heart condition as you understand it. My hope is that you will take the truths you discover about yourself and hold them up to the Light to evaluate them against who God says you are.

  • What is your biggest fear at the moment?
  • Have you talked to God about this fear? 
  • If you have talked to Him, what did you hear Him say or impress upon you?
  • If not you haven’t talked to Him about this fear, what is keeping you from being honest and authentic with God? Now talk to Him about that.
  • What are you praying for in these days?
  • What is God speaking to you at this time? 
  • What scripture is God reminding you of?
  • What are three things you can do today to improve the relationships around you?

Talk to God about your answers. Give Him praise, ask Him questions and then listen for His gentle response.

Take Action

Use God’s word to take control over the traumas in your life.  Whenever you feel terrorized by your thoughts take them captive by replacing them with the truth of God’s promises in His word.

Here is a scripture for you to print, cut and carry with you and/or post in places where you will see it often. Ground yourself in God’s truths not Satan’s attacks. Encourage your heart and mind every time you are reminded of His great love for YOU!

Here is what God’s Word says about His unfailing, relentless, unending love for you:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Translation: The God of the Holy Bible is not a God who delights in crushing His creation. You have a purpose, there is a plan, and He Himself will never bring harm to you.  What He has planned for you will put hope in your heart about your future with Him and all that He wants to do in and through you. 

Original post:

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