Jenna Erlandson, Special Needs and Discovering a Strong Identity
My time with Jenna Erlandson, learning about her sweet family left me feeling immense appreciation for the intimacy with which God knows us. Jeanna is married and has 3 children one of which is special needs.
She and her husband got married knowing infertility was a reality that they would have to face. Then the impossible happened and she gave birth to a precious baby boy, Eli. A few months old and they began to notice some developmental concerns and through their inquiry found out he is special needs.
We talked about the power of surrender and she made a distinction between struggle vs letting go and she referred us to a book by Nancy Guthrie, God Does His Best Work with Empty.
She moved me when she said that the most painful thing for her right now is watching her son realize he’s different. And she shared how God is glorified through Eli’s life.
Jenna also tackled some tough topics like did she or her husband sin or do something to offend God that Eli would be born with special needs. We tenderly touched on the topic of grieving all that she had envisioned for her first born son.
As she and I talked about the various challenges that an active family faces, the questions she struggles with raising children, grieving what she originally envisioned for her family, I realized she was describing a strong understanding of who she is in Christ through the love that God has for Eli.
There are so few things more beautiful than that! Enjoy this conversation with a precious, humble heart that chooses to be vulnerable to the good God she professes.
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Email: jenna@botfpodcast.com
BIO: Jenna Erlandson is the host for the Bridge of the Faithful Podcast. Her passions include diving deeper into understanding what faithfulness looks like in everyday lives as well as finding a rooted security of our identity in Christ. You can usually find her on adventures with her family, experimenting in the kitchen, or nose deep in a book—or three. Hop on to www.botfpodcast.com to hear some of her encouraging episodes. She would also love to hear from you, you can reach her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/botfpodcast or Instagram @botfpodcast.