Dominique Bennett – Divorce, Single Mom
God’s heart for marriage is that it would model the love and devotion that He has you and I as His Bride. Even though divorce is prevalent today, the God of the Holy Bible is still the God who takes a vow very seriously. After all, He has given His daughters a vow to never leave nor forsake us. No. Matter. What.
When faced with a divorce the uncertainty can spin questions through your mind and heart. Will God be mad if I abandon my vow? Will He turn His back on me? Will He love me? Will I be worthy of anything good in my future?
From no fault of her own my guest Dominique Bennett had to face the reality of divorce. She questioned how God would take care her and her five sons. Fear and anxiety threatened to overtake her.
Can we trust God when uncertainty and failure want to submerge your mind and heart? Listen to what Dominique discovered about God’s heart for a divorced woman.
Live Loved and Thrive!
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/afa02c520ae745309a7d14d72889ddec/edit_v2