Podcast Episode – Meredith Sage Kendall, Healing After Her Affair
Is there any hope for us when we find ourselves in the aftermath of a devastating decision? What if you’ve had an affair … committed adultery? Very few will have mercy. Whether you hear it verbally or not, your own internal talk will twist and turn your heart, reverberating, “you’ve made your bed now lie in it.”
If you’re living with guilt and shame from a decision that you regret, my guest Meredith Sage Kendall will encourage your heart with her story of God’s tenderness as she and her husband struggled to recovery from her affair.
Despite less than helpful advice and non-existent recovery assistance they stumbled blindly through the next several years of marriage hurt and not talking about it.
But God.
He was always there, present and calling her to Himself. He never stopped pursuing her heart despite her survival skills and a weak identity. He wanted to rewrite all of the hurt for both she and her husband. God wanted Meredith to know Him through relationship skills and a strong identity.
Listen in as Meredith shares how God had a plan of redemption for her. She eventually learned how to let Him heal her and use her pain for more than a painful life lesson. In the midst of living life God revealed His heart for her and repurposed her pain as she continues to share all that she’s learned about who the God of the Holy Bible is when it comes to our guilt and shame.
Live Loved and Thrive!
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/9cfd01a2442c495b9d77318c166deca8/edit_v2
Want to connect with Meredith?
Email: meredithsagkendall@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meredithsagekendall
Instagram: @meredithsagekendall https://www.instagram.com/meredithsagekendall/
Podcast – Finding Your Purpose
Bio: Meredith Kendall had the dream life, but God had other plans. He called her away from a successful career to be the Co-Founder of Advancing the Gospel. Up until its closing in 2019, AtG served those who are often forgotten; those Jesus would call “the least of these”. As a nationally recognized sales leader, Meredith learned how to build bridges and make connections with the heart of what people need. She uses that same ability to cut through the tough layer we use to protect ourselves and help people understand the root causes of their struggles and find freedom through Christ.
In January of 2011, Meredith was attacked by a gang member. She would quickly learn that it was a warning to stop offering freedom to those held in bondage of abuse, addiction and negative cycles. That attack made Meredith even more aware of the awesome calling on her life and how serious it is to be on the front lines for Jesus. After a few months of recovery Meredith was back in the jails knowing that her attacker, who was never caught, may one day walk into her class.
Over the last decade Meredith has co-authored with her husband a set of life-recovery curriculum called the 180 Program. Her first work of fiction, My GiGi’s House: Finding Hope, was released October 1st 2019. And currently she is working on Part II.